Praying for healing and breakthrough, an emerging from this darkness.

How many of you are experiencing heaviness and sadness in this present time?

I have been bombarded with information left and right. Most of this information is making me mad because of all the injustice, greed and evil that is being revealed. So much so that it is really affecting my emotional well being.  Feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness flood my heart ... I try to push them aside and come back to happy and hopeful.  But I will be honest, it has been sooo hard! 

I was ready to head to hot yoga class when I heard the Lord say... "Stay with me."  So, I cancelled my class and sat here on my yoga mat.  In this Holy Yoga journey that I have been on, I have learned the value of taking a pause and just resting without doing.  My sister, Heidi, coined this time as a “Holy Pause.” 

Realizing how really sad that I was feeling ...I picked up my devotional by Jonathan Cahn, "The Book of Mysteries."  Before I share exactly what word I received from this morning’s devotional, let me say that I have learned the importance of tuning into God’s timing … He is specific in times and seasons.  So … I wanted to know what day of the year this was.  Today is July 11, 2020 and it is the 193rd day of the year.  Therefore, that is where I turned to in this devotional… Day 193. 

And this is what the title of the devotional was:  The Immanuel Solution.  I would like to share some of it with you here.

“An empty cup.  How do we get rid of emptiness?  There’s only one way, by filling it.  A simple solution, but so profound… How did God accomplish salvation?  By removing evil from the world? No … by His Presence, by coming into the world, by becoming God with us, Immanuel.  He didn't take away our problems or remove them from the world. He did something better- He gave us the answer. He poured the answer into the world. It's His Presence!! Salvation is not the absence of sin. It is not the removing of the world's darkness. It's the shining of God's light into the darkness. And by the light, the darkness is driven away.  You don’t overcome sin by dwelling on sin.  You overcome sin by dwelling on God.  You overcome emptiness by dwelling on His Presence.  You overcome sorrow by the presence of Joy.., and hate by the presence of Love … and evil by the presence of Good.  It’s as simple and as deep … as pouring water into a cup … the Immanuel Solution.”  (The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn)

I can try all day long to attain this joy, love and good on my own… but can I share the truth with you …I can’t achieve this on my own.  The Immanuel solution starts with Jesus.  His Hebrew name is Yeshua.  He is Joy, Love and Good!  Because of His Presence in my life, I can get through and overcome!  If you are feeling sad, mad, hopeless because of all the craziness and chaos happening around you, may I suggest that you pause right here… take a deep breath and invite LOVE in.  His name is Jesus.  All you have to do is say … Jesus, come into my heart.  I believe that You are the Son of God and You are Love and Light.  Let Your Light shine in my heart and through me today.

Let us be the light here on the earth. In this craziness and chaos...let His Presence in and through our lives permeate the darkness. I am praying for you and with you🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 

Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically. Despise evil; pursue what is good as if your life depends on it. Live in true devotion to one another, loving each other as sisters and brothers. Be first to honor others by putting them first. Do not slack in your faithfulness and hard work. Let your spirit be on fire, bubbling up and boiling over, as you serve the Lord. Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer. Share what you have with the saints, so they lack nothing; take every opportunity to open your life and home to others. If people mistreat or malign you, bless them. Always speak blessings, not curses. If some have cause to celebrate, join in the celebration. And if others are weeping, join in that as well. Work toward unity, and live in harmony with one another. Avoid thinking you are better than others or wiser than the rest; instead, embrace common people and ordinary tasks. Do not retaliate with evil, regardless of the evil brought against you. Try to do what is good and right and honorable as agreed upon by all people. If it is within your power, make peace with all people. Again, my loved ones, do not seek revenge; instead, allow God’s wrath to make sure justice is served. Turn it over to Him. For the Scriptures say, “Revenge is Mine. I will settle all scores.” But consider this bit of wisdom: “If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink; because if you treat him kindly, it will be like heaping hot coals on top of his head.” Never let evil get the best of you; instead, overpower evil with the good.

Romans 12:9-21 -

Follow our Holy Yoga Hawaii IG and FB pages or join us at one of our Holy Yoga Hawaii classes on Wednesdays at 5:45pm Hawaii time live and I'm person at Waikiki beach or via Zoom. Message me for more information.


Holy Breath November 2022


E'noho VOL2 issue no.1